Project // OSCC Ottawa Sports Car Club

Commissioned by one of Ottawa’s top motorsports club, Ottawa Sports Car Club. This project consisted of 1 month of preparations followed by 1 day of education and multiple days of editing. 

The OSCC was looking to create a video that showcases the people and the experiences within the motorsports club. The team was tasked to make this happen. Capturing the environment and the faces of the club. With high quality audio, lighting and b-roll we achieved this objective with the clients being extremely happy with the outcome. A challenge we faced was the weather – the day or the shoot had been a mixture of rain and high winds – which made it challenging to capture crisp audio and to capture the environment. 

Thank you to Nigel Mortimer from Mortimer Racing and Calabogie Motorsports Park for allowing us to film on their property.

You can find the Ottawa Sports Car Club here:

On Set for this project:
Clare Coyle – Assistant, AD
Ramzi Estephan — Sound Mixer, Camera Operator, DP
Kishan Sondagar — Director, DP, Editor, Camera Operator

Project // OSCC Ottawa Sports Car Club

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