Motion Pictures gallery

Welcome to the Motion Pictures gallery. Motion Pictures, also known as videos, is the key to achieving the most viewership and conversions for your products, services, and creative ideas. Displayed is a small collection of some of the work we have done. For more information about our services and pricing please contact us.

Event Coverage

The perfect way to capture your event! With pro grade gear we will capture your day from the ground and from the air. Contact us for a quote.


Showcase your club, organization, and business with a series of mini documentary style videos. A documentary style video will help you gain more members and clients. Contact us for more info. 


Capture your vision and your project with a remarkable timelapse based video with detailed shots of your developing project. This is great for advertising and showcase to current and future investors. Contact us for more info. 


Step outside the realm of everyday advertising and bring your creative vision to life with the use of aerial and ground video capturing tools. Contact us for more info.

All site content © THE GREASY FIX MEDIA INC. 2024